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Black Marble

Native Roots was born out of the global pandemic that faced us all beginning in 2020. Recognising the collective trauma that the world has gone through we see it as vital that we create systems and communities that are resilient. Through connection with ourselves and the natural world we can stay connected to something bigger and come together in communities to support each other to heal collectively. Native roots is a small seed within the substrate of humanity aiming to grow happy healthy resilient humans. Together we can build something beautiful, something that will ensure future generations can inherit a healthy planet and healthy society based on the people and the planets needs. Native Roots looks to heal the wounds within our society and institutions by connecting individuals with themselves and the natural world on a deep level.

Studies are showing what intuitively all of us know, time in nature reduces anxiety and stress while increasing our sense of connectedness and wellbeing. Breathwork compliments nature connection through learning how to connect to and affect how we feel on a physiological level.


Native Roots aims to guide people to foster their own deep connection with nature and a healthy relationship to their natural self. In doing this we can help society move away from being an "egocentric" society which is aggressively competitive, based on consumption and material wealth, into becoming an "ecocentric" society, a soul based one that is sustainable, cooperative and compassionate. Change begins with you, through embarking on the path to your natural self with us you will be supported on a journey to becoming a grounded and empowered human being of Earth, with the resources and resilience needed to adapt to the changes facing us all.

Through connecting with nature, with each other and with our natural self, I truly believe we can come together and recognise our shared heritage on this Earth. The idea that if part of the Earth is suffering we are all suffering. Native Roots ultimate aim is to be like a mycelium network in the forest of society, providing workshops that engage and empower individuals with tools and ideas to take to their friends, families and communities in order to make practices for wellbeing and healing accessible to all. A great shift is happening all around us in the human world and you are part of it.


"We can choose what story we wish to create right now"


Meet the Founder

Ainsley Dwyer
Nature Connection Guide, Breathwork Facilitator

Ainsley is a gentle soul that has an affinity for nature. His purpose for wellness stems from various influences. His main drive is from a difficult experience at the age of 15. He developed an autoimmune disease that severely affected his health and which pharmaceutical medicines couldn't help. This taught him the importance of practices to keep and maintain a healthy body and healthy mind. In the depths of his illness he knew that he was put here to help people and make the most out of the life that has been gifted to each of us.


His knowledge and analytical nature, coupled with his deep bond with the magic of Earth and life experience give him a balanced and thoughtful approach to facilitating peoples connection with nature. A beautiful blend of scientific fact with spiritual philosophies added make his workshops accessible to all


Ainsley has experience in conservation, managing nature reserves in the South West of England while also connecting people with these sites through various practical conservation, wellness and species identification workshops. 
He is a credited natural mindfulness guide by the International Mindfulness & Meditation Association (IMMA). Ainsley deepened his nature connection and therapeutic competency while studying Ecopsychology with Natural Academy. A comprehensive course that covers how we relate to ourselves, our communities and the more than human world. He is trained to deliver the NatureWell approach which is rooted in the 5 Pathways to Nature Connectedness, a framework created through research from Derby University that is scientifically proven to increase the wellbeing of participants and promotes pro environmental behaviours. 


Ainsley holds a fascination with our natural ability to cultivate states of wellness, reduce stress and reduce anxiety through breath. A certified breathwork instructor, he holds experience in Conscious Connected Breathwork and Wim Hof method. He beautifully blends in these simple but powerful techniques into his nature based practices along side various other pranayama breathwork techniques to activate, regulate and relax the nervous system.

Through a variety of methods he has developed a framework designed to address four main factors; 


  • Empowerment

  • Stress Reduction

  • Immune System Strength

  • Connection to Nature


 " I hope to bring about positive change in the world through creating calm spaces for people to explore their true nature. To help others to discover their true place in the cosmic symphony of life on Earth and their role to play as part of the human family. I wish to offer the tools and methods to deal with stresses on the body and mind and to show others how to find the great power everyone has within them."



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